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Bulletin Renouvin

Publishing Director and Editor-in-Chief: Marie-Pierre Rey
Copy Editor : Sandra Challin / Assistant Editors : Benjamin Badier and Jonas Matheron 
Bulletin Email Address

The Pierre Renouvin Institute Bulletin (IPR Bulletin) is available on the Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University website

In connection with the IPR and in collaboration with Gérard Bossuat, Professor René Girault began publishing a bulletin in 1986 entitled Travaux et recherches (Work and Research), which proved to be extremely useful. Its interruption in 1992 left a gap that had to be filled, which is why the publication was revived in 1996 under the new title Bulletin de l'Institut Pierre Renouvin (Pierre Renouvin Institute Bulletin). The articles from these bulletins can be accessed online here, with a view to establishing a better platform for scientific results, especially those of young researchers, as well as providing a concrete idea of the research conducted at the Institute.

These articles are not taken from a review but rather from a bulletin, a status that allows for presenting “products” in progress, whose unfinished state does not make them any less scientific. A theory always begins as a hypothesis; all research starts out as an outline, a sketch. We hope that these articles help to circulate ideas, issues, and information as freely as possible, and serve as a field of experimentation and expression for different generations of historians.

Il n'y a actuellement aucun contenu classé avec ce terme.

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